Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Composition & Still life study

Okay, so I was challenged by my boss to do something I normally do not do. A still life. I actually set this up at my desk using my co-workers lunch items and my desk lamp. Thank you Danielle for your sacrifice.:) The rendering was not the main idea of this exercise, but the composition and what I chose to show. I really enjoyed this challenge. Here are the different stages. I had this towel underneath but I was told I should lie about how the towel actually was laying, to force the movement of the eye. So here is what I come up with. This is all done in photoshop. I desaturated the color on the final to see how it works in black and white.


AmyK said...

At first when I saw this picture I thought you were getting into photography.
But you're not. You're just awesome.
And now I want an apple.

Amber Leaders said...

hahha! thanks

Gerald de Dios said...


Colleen said...

OHH...cool Amber!