Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Monster Flower Girl Thing......

Hey at least it's a monster girl and not a regular human one. I think I need to start branching out and drawing something a bit different. :) It's dark and rainy outside and only 4:25 PM. When is summer going to manifest itself? My Chihuahua is not going to want to go outside to use the bathroom. As soon as he sees this downpour, my little Elijah Brown is gonna turn around back to the door and try to hold it. Sheesh... Sure glad I don't have to go outside like a dog. I myself would not enjoy the pressure of going to the bathroom outside in the open air.


heavyness said...

love it! i like the textured background.

really nice use of colors.

Amber Leaders said...

Oops I think I accidently deleted someone else's comment:( My bad!

Andres Calzada said...

Hey Amber! of course I remember you. I love your drawings, especially your caricature. Keep it up!

AmyK said...

I sure hope you don't enjoy going to the bathroom outside in the open air! I'd be worried if you did!

Colleen said...

Your talent is so incredible.