Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Genius Giraffe

He is not a genius yet but is definately making his way toward his new genius self. This topic is a challenging one. I wanted to play with lighting, It was definately an experimental piece. I also reformatted my computer this weekend with the help of a genius friend...Oh maybe I should have made the Giraffe reformat a computer? Anyway here's a joke.

What did the very annoyed washer say to the Loud Dryer?
Give up?


Colleen said...

I love the Giraffe! THe coloring is very cool and unique. Stuff a sock in it? Wa wa wa wahhhhhhhhh!

Anonymous said...

I think this might be one of my favorites. The coloring and lighting are awesome. It has real depth. You rock.

udream2 said...

This is wonderful! Definitely a fun piece and creative title. I was looking back at some of your older posts and thought the pics of your Chihuahua dogs would make beautiful pins!