Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Todays Subject is CHICKS WITH SWORDS

As a few of us were looking at some wonderful painted art...we did notice...that they were all chicks with swords in some armour. So we thought we would have our own takes on chicks with swords.


Anonymous said...

You know, I've gotta say that this is pretty cool.

Being able to draw would be nice. I'm pretty good at drawing stick people, but all I've ever been able to draw in that manner is riverdancing. I guess stick people=riverdancing.

Is it bad that the hair kind of made me think of Hailey (despite the color difference)?
A four year old with a sword... sounds like good times to me.

Colleen said...

I love your drawings! And I'm so thrilled how you check my blog! It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Did you notice how I put your blog on my page? It's Grrrrrreat!